"How to Improve Your Guitar Playing
From: Don J. MacLean
Thursday, 3:24 PM
Dear fellow guitar player,
I'm about to let you in on a dirty little secret...
Most guitar players think the reason they are not improving their guitar playing is
because they don't have enough time to practice.
It sounds like a good logical reason. Doesn't it?
But guess what?
The real reason why most guitar players don't improve, or improve at only a snail's
pace, is simply because of the way they practice.
That's right.
It's not the total amount of time you play guitar that matters most. It's what you
do with that guitar playing time that matters.
Think about it like this...
Imagine two guitar players that have been playing for about 2 years. This weekend,
each of them practices for one hour on Saturday and an hour on Sunday.
Guitarist "A" just does his own thing. He picks up the guitar and plays a little bit of
this and a lot of that. Guitarist A just plays whatever he feels like.
Guitarist "B" performs guitar practice sessions designed by an expert. So he knows
what to practice and how long he should spend on each area and still has lots of
room for spontaneity.
After this weekend, who do you think will be further ahead?
After a few more weekends of guitar playing, who do you think will be further

Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme
Guitar Technique Makeover
$25.99 $19.99 (you save 23%)

Guitarist A is taking a haphazard approach to practice. Since he is not practicing the right things, he will still have fun playing but
won't have much to show for it.
Guitarist B will definitely see measurable improvements in his guitar playing and will have lots of fun playing. How do I know this
for sure?
If you were to spend a month in the gym with an Olympic athlete, do you think you would learn a thing or two about working out
and getting great results from every workout?
You bet!
Do you think you would see great improvements in your fitness after the month?
You bet!
So just as with the gym you can go it alone and learn by the very long haphazard, trial-and-error approach, or you can cut your
learning curve in half and start using a system that has already been proven to produce great results.
What you have practiced in the past has gotten you to where you are now. To get to where you want to be, you need to
do something different. You can waste lots of time trying to discover what works on your own, or you can cut in to the front of
the line.
This is where the Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique Makeover comes in.
In my 25 years of teaching guitarists just like you, I've done lots of experiments. I've had my students practice this way and that
I've thrown away what doesn't work and constantly tweaked what works so that my students are able to get better and better
The result is a highly effective and easy-to-follow system for improving guitar playing in one weekend.
All you have to do is follow the program and you will see massive improvements in your guitar playing this weekend-guaranteed!
Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
I have taught music for 25 years, earned my degree in music, authored more than 60 books, played with too many bands to
remember, and taught numerous master classes and workshops.
I have always been fascinated by how we learn music, so I also completed a degree in psychology and did some graduate studies
in neuroscience as well. With all of this intensive studying and practicing, I have discovered some little known secrets that
will save you massive amounts of time and give you results you never thought possible.
In other words, I've spent most of my life performing music, studying music and learning the best ways to teach it. I've got
students in more than 50 countries worldwide that are using my courses to advance their playing.

The Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique
Makeover is designed for the beginner to intermediate
guitar player with at least 3-6 months experience.
What you get in the Weekend Warrior: Extreme Guitar
Technique Makeover is exact step-by-step, finger-by-
finger instructions so there is no guess work. You just
follow the workouts and you will automatically get
great results.
You will totally transform your core guitar playing
Stretching and Flexibility
It's perfect for all styles of music.
I've used these workouts with literally 1000's of students and everyone that has followed this program has gotten great results
and you will too.
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Excellent transaction & product. Recommended.
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Excellent item excellent
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United Kingdom
Two Course Requirements
To get the most out of this course, you must do two things.
First, you need to set aside some time this weekend for the workouts. The minimum time you need to set aside for each
practice session is just 30 minutes. If you can do more, you'll get even better results.
Second you will need to follow the workouts step-by-step.
If you follow these two steps, then by Monday, you will see massive improvements in your playing.
Once you have completed the program, it's up to you as to whether you repeat it again.
I do have to warn you. Once you have played through the program, you will probably get addicted to the results. So if you're like
most guitar players, you will want to incorporate some parts of these workouts into your regular guitar playing sessions.
"But I Don't Want to Kill the Spontaneity of My Guitar Playing Sessions"
Here's the great thing about the Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique Makeover-you don't have to use the
system every time you play guitar. Once you've gone through the program once, you can return to your regular practice routine.
Most likely you will want to repeat the program once every month or so. Or perhaps you'll want to use it when your guitar playing
hits a plateau. The bottom line is the choice is yours. You can use the program any time you need to touch up your guitar chops a
When you follow this guitar playing program it's very easy to get great results. In fact, with the results you'll get this weekend,
people will think you are taking steroids for guitar!
• Everything is laid out for you step-by-step, finger-by-finger.
• Included are 55 mp3 audio tracks so you can hear exactly what each exercise and song should sound like.
• The workouts even tell you how much time you should spend on each practice area.
• Reading music is NOT required. Everything is shown in tab (tablature) and big easy-to-read fretboard diagrams.
• No music theory required.
• Perfect for the beginner to intermediate guitar player. To get the most out of this book you should have at least 3-6 months
guitar playing under your belt.
You'll master:
Stretching and Flexibility
You'll master all the techniques that your favorite guitar players use.
Remember, you don't have to waste hours and hours and years of your practice time trying to discover this on your own.
I've already done all the hard work for you.
There is no more need for you to practice in a trial and error fashion. I've already discovered what works and laid it all out for you in
this step-by-step course. You just need to follow the guitar playing system. It doesn't get any easier than this.
Here's What Guitar Players are Saying About the Course:

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Great customer service and excellent product
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Got the info quickly, looking forward to more than the usual
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FL, United States
Good product & service AAAAAAA+++++++
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Great communication. Wonderful info!! Thanks!!
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"If you're willing to do the exercises and
practice-this will be your road map."
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Good product. Fun to use
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Please check what applies to you:
I want to learn more in less time!
I'm in a rut and I want to get out
I want to be able to play those tricky guitar solos
I'm not totally satisfied with my playing
I have very, very limited time for practice, but I still want great results
I want to turbo charge my guitar playing this weekend
If you checked two or more of the above boxes then you owe it to yourself to try out this course 100% risk-free.
You'll get:
The Complete Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique
Makeover course manual
A 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
100's of tips, tricks, exercises and powerful tools that will improve
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The regular price of Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique Makeover is $25.99, but if you act now you can take
advantage of a special price and get your copy for just $19.99. So act now, the price won't remain this low for very long!
Regular Price $25.99
Special Price $19.99
Simply click on the Add to Cart button to dramatically improve your guitar playing this weekend risk-free.
Get your copy of Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique Makeover today
and try it out for 90 days. If you don't make great improvements in your guitar playing over
the weekend, or if you decide for whatever reason that this course is not right for you, just
let me know within 90 days and I'll give you a no-hassle refund.
Are you ready to transform your playing this weekend?
Risk Free Acceptance Form
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Yes! I am taking you up on your great offer today for a fully-printable digital edition of
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I know that my satisfaction is guaranteed. I can try out Weekend Guitar Warrior:
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I am getting a copy of Weekend Guitar Warrior:
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Simply click on the Add to Cart button to get your download edition of Weekend Guitar Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique Makeover,
right now.
Don J. MacLean
Don J. MacLean is one of the world's leading authorities on accelerated learning systems for guitar---with students using his
P.S. Don't you owe it to yourself to discover how easy it can be to improve your guitar playing this weekend? Make this weekend
your weekend to improve your guitar playing. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Grab your copy of Weekend Guitar
Warrior: Extreme Guitar Technique Makeover today.

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© Copyright 2012 Don J. MacLean. All Rights Reserved.