The Critical Window for Guitar Improvement
Did you know the first 5-10 minutes of your playing session sets the upper limits on
what you’ll achieve in your entire playing session?
When you are short on playing time, this crucial 5-10 minute window is even more
But how do most guitarists start their practice sessions?
Guitarists do one of two things.
Most, just pick up their guitar and start playing songs.
Now hang on a second…that’s the reason you decided to play guitar in the first place
isn’t it? So what could possibly be wrong with that?
Well, the problem is that most songs are not designed to properly warm-up your hands.
A Hidden Reason for Slow Improvement on
Have you ever thought about the fact that songs do not use all fingers equally? Pick
any two songs and count how many times each finger is used. Do this, and you’ll find
that your fingers are used differently in every song.
This means that depending on the songs you play, one or more of your fingers may be
The BIG Problem
Over several practice sessions, this often leads to a big problem I frequently find
among guitarists---one or two fingers are much weaker than the rest.
This means songs that use your weak fingers will take way more time to learn and will
be much harder to play than they should be.
The Warm-up?
The other way that guitarists start a practice session, is by doing some sort of a
“warm-up”. What’s considered to be a warm-up varies widely from player to player.
Unfortunately, most guitarists do not warm-up correctly. They usually miss crucial
things, or do things in the wrong order. This means they are not warming up
effectively and ultimately end up wasting much of their valuable practice time.
The Mind…A Terrible Thing to Waste Especially for Guitar
The other neglected part of the warm-up is the mind.
When you pick up your guitar to play, are you instantly absorbed with 100% concentration?
Or, does it take a bit of playing to get your mind away from the problems of work or school?
And what about those days when you just can’t seem to get your mind on your playing?
When your mind is distracted and thinking of other things, do you really think you are in the best state for learning and improving your playing?
A proper warm-up will get your mind focused on guitar as quickly as possible, so you’ll learn faster.
And don’t worry, if your main guitar goal is to simply unwind and relax after a hard day, a proper warm-up will relax you even faster!
When you warm-up properly, you’ll:
Have better mental concentration and clarity.
Get into a relaxed state ready to learn and have massive fun.
Get more done every practice session. This means better results from every
practice session.
Learn everything else on guitar faster.
Improve your overall playing.
Decrease the risk of injury.
Ultimately, when you warm-up properly, you’ll save more time than it takes, because you’ll be primed to fly through the rest of your
practice session with ease.
By now I’m sure you’ll be starting to see why the warm-up is the most important part of your practice sessions. It really sets you
up for the rest of your playing session.
Some Good News
Now you can learn the proper way to warm-up. In fact, you can kick it up several notches and transform a regular warm-up into a
Power Warm-up.
Your Personal Power Warm-up Prescription
Just as there is no single warm-up that will work for every athlete in every sport, there is no such thing as the one perfect warm-
up for every single guitarist.
Power Warm-ups are Flexible and Very Time Efficient
The goal of the Power Warm-up is to get you warmed-up as fast as possible. If you spend more time warming-up
than you need, you are actually wasting time. In The EDGE: Power Warm-ups, you will learn what to look for and how to
tell when you are properly warmed-up.
A Power Warm-up will give you the EDGE over most guitar players. With Power Warm-ups, you’ll be ready both physically
and mentally to get the most out of your guitar playing sessions---maximum results in minimum time, with maximum fun!
The good news is I will show you how to create the most effective and
powerful warm-up for you. That’s what The EDGE: Power Warm-ups
is all about: it’s about creating your own personal Power Warm-ups.
In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to create
your own super-effective Power Warm-ups.
You’ll learn how to maximize the results you get from your warm-
You’ll discover how to transform a regular warm-up into a Power
You’ll learn 8 Guitar Practice Maximizers. These are simple tweaks
that will instantly improve your results. That’s right, you will notice
better results from the very first practice session you use the Guitar
Practice Maximizers.
You’ll also learn the 2 essential things you absolutely need for a Power

The New Daily Dozen for Today’s Guitarist
You’ll learn the New Daily Dozen. You may have heard of the Daily Dozen before. For us however, our Daily Dozen is totally different than those found in the dusty old violin and piano methods---we are just borrowing the name. For us, these are 12 very specific guitar exercises designed to get you warmed-up fast. In fact, I never start a practice session without them!
Warm-up Songs…What the…?
Now hang on a minute…didn’t you just read earlier that songs are not designed to warm-up your hands?
Yes, that is 100% correct.
Songs usually do not give all fingers a balanced warm-up. What you will find in this course are 15 specifically selected songs that will give you a good warm-up. It actually took me 17 months to find the right balance of songs!
Could this Be Magic?
The trick is that these potent warm-up songs must be used in specific combinations to warm up your hands properly.
In this course, you will learn exactly how this works. And don’t worry, it is super simple.
These special songs will complete the warm-up process for you. After that, you’ll be totally charged up and ready for maximum results from the rest of your playing session!
29 mp3 audio tracks included
Reading Music is NOT REQUIRED!
“Could This Be the Missing Link to
Improve Your Guitar Playing Fast?”
The EDGE: Power Warm-ups
eBook with mp3 audio
$39.99 $29.99
Everyone Knows What a Warm-up is Supposed to Do, or Do They?
A warm-up allows your body and mind to perform at an optimal level and prevent injury.
Think for a moment about what is required when you play the guitar…
Think of all of the fine motor skills that are required…
There are 34 muscles that move the fingers and thumb---17 in the palm and 18 in the forearm. And that’s not counting the muscles in your upper arm, shoulders, back and neck!
A Recipe for Disaster
You would never think about going to the gym, grabbing the heaviest weight you could ever lift, and lifting with no warm-up, would you? No way!
You know that’s a recipe for disaster. When you don’t warm-up in the gym you run the risk of injury.
It’s the same on guitar. When you don’t warm-up properly on guitar, you also run the risk of injury.

So why not give The EDGE: Power-Warm-ups a try? When you do, you’ll see for yourself what it’s like to learn songs faster, have
better concentration when you play, get more done every practice session, make less mistakes, decrease the risk of injury, improve
your technique, and play better guitar! Pretty good for a tiny investment of time, eh?
My Iron-Clad Total Satisfaction Guarantee
Get your copy of The EDGE: Power Warm-ups today and try it out for 90 days. If it
doesn't dramatically improve your playing, or if you decide for whatever reason, that
this course is not right for you, just let me know within 90 days and I'll give you a
prompt and courteous no-hassle refund.
Risk Free Acceptance Form
YES! I Want Instant Access Now!
Yes! Don I am taking you up on your great offer today for a fully-printable digital
edition of The EDGE: Power Warm-ups for just $39.98 $29.99.
And I also know that my satisfaction is guaranteed. I can try out The EDGE: Power
Warm-ups for 90 days risk-free. If I'm not completely satisfied I will receive a full
Immediately after ordering, I'll receive an email with download links for my
eBook and mp3s. The eBooks and bonuses are in PDF and mp3 format and will work
on PC, Mac and smart phones.
Don J. MacLean
Don J. MacLean is one of the world's leading authorities on accelerated learning systems for guitar---with students using his
P.S. Isn't it finally time to play better guitar? With The EDGE: Power Warm-ups you'll warm-up in less time and have more time for
the really important stuff---playing songs!
P.P.S. Why take the long trial-and-error approach? You could be getting great results in every practice session, starting 5 minutes
from now. There is a proven and fast way to improve your guitar playing. Claim your copy of The EDGE: Power Warm-ups today,
100% risk free, and transform your guitar playing now!
P.P.P.S You can keep on doing what you've always been doing and keep on getting the same results, or you can try out a fun new
way to improve your playing now. Remember it's 100% risk free, so you have nothing to lose and improved guitar playing to

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